Can a slim body also suffer from fatty liver disease?

Still can’t avoid taking health supplements? Doctors diel 4 myths about fatty liverCan-a-slim-body-also-suffer-from-fatty-liver-disease?

Only obese people suffer from fatty livers. Some doctors pointed out that many people have many myths about fatty liver. For example, they believe that being slim will not cause fatty liver, and that taking health supplements can prevent fatty liver. The doctor also dispelled four common myths about fatty liver, explained the causes of fatty liver, and reminded the public to pay attention to liver health.

Can a slim body also suffer from fatty liver disease? 4 myths about fatty liver debunked

Wei Shihang, a family medicine doctor, shared on his Facebook page that the risk of fatty liver disease has always been hidden in life. Once you misunderstand some misconceptions, you may miss the golden time for treatment, or even develop into cancer, leading to death. Dr. Wei Shihang listed four major myths about fatty liver, including that people with a lighter weight are less susceptible to fatty liver:




Myth 1: Thin people will not suffer from fatty liver?

  • In the case of a person who is underweight (for example, a BMI of 19), it is possible that there is just insufficient muscle mass but a large amount of fat accumulation in the liver.

  • When the liver fat ratio exceeds 5%, it can be classified as fatty liver.

  • Studies have shown that patients with fatty liver disease have a 93% increased risk of death, and even those with mild fatty liver disease have a mortality risk of up to 70%.

Myth 2: Fatty liver disease can be avoided by relying on health foods?

  • Fatty liver is a chronic disease closely related to lifestyle.

  • Maintaining a healthy liver can be achieved through dietary changes, weight loss, and exercise.

  • Ingredients to consider when supplementing: Cruciferous extract, artichoke extract, turmeric, and more.

Myth 3: Being vegetarian can prevent fatty liver disease?

      • Being vegetarian may not be absolutely beneficial, but may also hide the following pitfalls:
      • Easily consume more carbohydrates: Vegetarians tend to consume more carbohydrates. Excessive carbohydrates can lead to the regeneration of lipids and the formation of fat, which ultimately leads to the accumulation of fat in liver cancer.

      • Insufficient protein intake: Vegetarians are prone to insufficient protein intake, which will lead to insufficient lipoproteins and hinder the liver from transporting fat, thus leading to fat accumulation.




    Myth 4: If the liver index is normal, there will be no fatty liver?

    The best way to know whether you have fatty liver disease is through examination. The more precise the examination, the more detailed and clear the results will be:

    • General examination: blood test for GOT and GPT, which can determine liver inflammation index

    • Further examination: Test blood sugar, blood fat, insulin, and CRP to determine metabolic diseases related to fatty liver.

    • The most sophisticated examination: ultrasound can determine the degree of fat accumulation and fibrosis in the liver

    Two major causes of fatty liver: Be careful even if you don’t drink alcohol

    Two major causes of fatty liver: Be careful even if you don’t drink alcohol


    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

    A group of liver diseases associated with the accumulation of excess fat (more than 5% of liver volume) in liver cells

    Source: Department of Health

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Fat accumulation is not caused by excessive alcohol intake or other secondary factors such as medications or inborn errors of metabolism

    Source: Department of Health

    The clinical evolution of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,

    although still unclear and controversial, studies indicate that it may include the following conditions:

    Source: Department of Health

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

    Mild form of simple steatosis (i.e. fat accumulation)

    Source: Department of Health

    5 Common Symptoms of Fatty Liver: Frequent Loss of Appetite, Be Careful

    What are the signs of fatty liver disease? According to the Department of Health, if you suffer from fatty liver, you will generally experience the following 5 major symptoms:





    6 ways to prevent fatty liver: Don’t eat too sweet or too salty foods

    How to avoid fatty liver disease through diet? According to the Department of Health, in order to maintain liver health and reduce the risk of fatty liver disease, you need to pay attention to six major lifestyle and dietary details:

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