How to find before any discomfort of esophageal cancer comes out


The following actions are important if the ENT is abnormal

Who should be careful about esophageal cancer?

Yuan Yamazaki, who was an economic critic and wrote in the market deep-reading theater 「 a new horse race-loving 」 ( 65 years old ) died on January 1. The cause of the death of Mr. Yamazaki was 「 esophageal cancer 」.

I spoke to Dr. Ketaro Hikawa, a hospital in Tumoridae, a hospital in Miyazaki, who sends out cancer information on YouTube's 『 cancer prevention channel 』 etc.

According to the Cancer Information Service of the National Center for Cancer Research, more than 26,000 people have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer in a year ( 2019 ), and about 10,000 have died ( 2020 ). Morbidity and death toll are also more common in men than in women. 5-year relative survival (2009 ~ 2011 ) is 41.5.

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In addition to Mr. Yamazaki as a celebrity, Mr. Yoko Akino, Mr. Goro Noguchi, and Mr. Chie Hori have announced that they have had esophageal cancer.

Mr. Yamazaki felt strange in which tone of

According to Yamazaki's column that spelled about his cancer 「『 Cancer 』, what he thought and felt 」, according to June 2022, which tone was bad and the nasal family I'm seeing you.

「 The first-generation symptoms of esophageal cancer are large, the stenosis ( is narrowed ) is 3%, dysphagia ( Swallowing is bad ) is 2%, chest pain is 1. There are about 2% of people without symptoms 」 and Dr. Pugawa. There seems to be a case where esophageal cancer is discovered, triggered by what symptoms of the ENT.

The important thing here is that the ENT was told that it was 「 abnormal 」. It makes a big difference whether you leave it alone or move it from there to the next action.

Children with esophagus ( pharynx/oral ) is another organ in the same place, but the medical department is different. Therefore, esophageal cancer is rarely found in the ENT.

「 In the ENT 『 No problem When 』 became, the ENT doctor who often consulted me often found that 『 This may have abnormal esophagus, It may be esophageal cancer 』 and recommends a medical examination of digestive internal medicine. However, there are cases where this is not the case. Even then, it is important that the patient himself notices and sees the digestive system 」( Pugawa Doctor )

If there are symptoms, it is likely that the cancer is already advanced.

「 Esophageal cancer, like many other digestive cancers, occurs in the inner mucous membrane and spreads from there. However, unlike the stomach and large intestine, there is no tissue of sausage-like serosa ( shoring ) and the walls are thin. When there are symptoms, cancer is already on the wall of the esophagus, and lymph node metastases are unlikely 」 ( Dr. Pugawa )

Esophageal cancer can be found even asymptomatic

So can't we find esophageal cancer at a stage where there are no symptoms.

In response, Dr. Pugawa replies that 「 can also be found in asymptoms 」.

Cancer screening is useful for finding cancer in the asymptomatic stage, but in the first place esophageal cancer is performed on 5 major cancers ( gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer ). 「 Not subject to national recommended cancer screening 」. But if you use this well, you'll find asymptomatic cancer even on the esophagus.

「 When you have a gastric cancer checkup, you also see the esophagus. Esophageal cancer can see the cancer itself in the endoscope 『 eyes 』 and may be able to detect it early 」 ( Dr. Pugawa )

Gastric cancer screening is recommended once every two years when you are 50 years or older. Previously, barium test ( gastrostomy test ) was the main one, but now gastric camera ( upper gastrointestinal endoscope ) is recommended.

The gastric camera has a nasal nose and a verbal mouth, all of which reach the stomach through the esophagus. In other words, it is possible to see the esophagus by the gastric cancer screening.

「 And now the technology of endoscopic diagnosis is advanced, and the special light test of NBI ( Narrow Band Imaging ) which can be found early on esophageal cancer is popular. Found in 『 precancerous lesion 』 before cancer 」 ( Pugawa Doctor )

「 Dr. Pugawa also has significant points when seeing the esophagus with a gastric cancer checkup. It is to tell the doctor that 「 esophagus is also 『 』 just in case 」 is. In particular, the word 「 just in case 」 should be communicated.

The purpose of swallowing a gastric camera is to check for gastric cancer only. If the doctor's consciousness is not suitable for esophageal cancer, he may be surprised at the abnormalities.

Also, the technique of finding gastric cancer with the same gastric camera is a little different from the technique of finding esophageal cancer. According to Dr. Pugawa, early cancer may be difficult to find without special methods, and esophageal cancer is more difficult.

Therefore, if the recipient does not ask for himself, the esophagus may end by a quick look and be spoiled.

People over the age of 50 and who speak alcohol or cigarettes should be careful

Among them, it is 「 who should see the esophagus in person 」 that is a person at high risk of esophageal cancer, specifically a man over the age of 50.

Cancer is caused by genetic mutations in cells, but esophageal cancer is no exception. In fact, it has also been confirmed that age causes gene mutations in cells of the mucous membranes of the esophagus.

Even if you are young, you should be careful about those who drink well, those who often drink hot drinks, and those who smoke. These stimuli are placed on age-related gene mutations, increasing the risk of cancer.

Especially for drinking, 「 Distilled drinks such as whiskey should be taken care of by people who drink them in locks or straight 」 ( Dr. Pugawa ). Drinking water with a chaser reduces damage to other organs such as the liver, but does not make sense when it comes to avoiding esophageal irritation.

Another「 People who used to drink weakly, but who became able to drink 」 and「 People who have a red face when drinking 」should also be careful.

There is an individual difference in the decomposition capacity of alcohol. People who have a lot of or are strong in disassembling enzyme ( type 2 aldehyde dehydrogenase ) are strong in liquor, have few or weak enzymes, are weak in liquor and are almost unable to drink.

The problem is the person who works there, with the alcohol-degrading enzyme there in the middle.

「 People who have a decomposition enzyme there will also be able to drink it. However, this type increases the risk of getting esophageal cancer from drinking. So it's better to be careful if you get stronger for sake but your face turns red when you drink 」 ( Dr. Pugawa )

Prohibition can prevent esophageal cancer development

Regarding the relationship between drinking and esophageal cancer, in December last year, interesting research results were reported by Professor Tudo of the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University. Forbidden sake and sake ( Withholding alcohol ), it became the first time in the world that the development of esophageal cancer could be prevented.

In this study, 232 people who had confirmed precancerous lesions of esophageal cancer with gastric cameras provided abstinence guidance. Then, about 10% of the group with successful abstinence improved precancerous lesions. On the other hand, 2% of the groups who could not have abstinence saw improvements.

「 In addition to this, people who were able to abstain after surgery for esophageal cancer have a better prognosis than those who could not. In any case, if you want to reduce the risk, it is important to review how to associate with alcohol 」 ( Dr. Pugawa )

There is an increasing number of esophagus each year, but not many people die. Dr. Oshikawa says 「 Even if it progresses, there is a slight increase in patients who are expected to survive long-term.

Treatment of esophageal cancer is a standard treatment for excision by an endoscope if early. In advanced cancer, anti-cancer drug treatment → surgery is standard and slightly less effective, but anticancer drug + radiation therapy ( chemical radiation therapy ) can also be selected.

「 Nowadays, the spread of immunocheckpoint inhibitors has led to long-term survival in Stage 4. Treatment of esophageal cancer, whether it is surgery or an anti-cancer drug, is rather painful. It is not an exaggeration to say that long-term survival liver is not overkill 」 and Dr. Pugawa.

And it's money that needs as much as physical fitness.

Cancer treatment has become more expensive these days, with the advent of drugs that are effective such as immunochepoint inhibitors. Moreover, these drugs need to continue on an annual basis. The financial burden of treating cancer can be significant for cancer patients and families because they have lived longer.

「 Cancer economic toxicity 」 is a new issue

Many people find it difficult to reduce their out-of-pocket costs due to insurance practice and advanced care systems, and people are giving up treatment because they have no money or stopping treatment along the way. This is now called 「 economic toxicity of cancer 」 and is a new issue.

「 We should prepare for cancer more, including these economic toxicities 」, is the claim of Dr. Pugawa 「 cancer prevention 」.

「 Disaster prevention means obtaining knowledge and information about the disaster and ensuring a solid evacuation route. You can think the same way with a peel. Many celebrities have announced cancer last year. Of course, you should avoid cormorating the knowledge of non-specialists, but it is important to update it on cancer and perimeter information about cancer 」 ( Pugawa Doctor )


Q1: What are the symptoms of esophageal cancer?

A: Common symptoms include large first-generation symptoms, 3% stenosis, 2% dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), and 1% chest pain. Early detection is crucial.

Q2: Why is abnormal ENT important in esophageal cancer detection?

A: An abnormal ENT can signal esophageal issues. Early identification by ENT doctors can lead to timely medical examinations for potential esophageal cancer.

Q3: How can esophageal cancer be found in asymptomatic stages?

A: Cancer screening, especially during gastric cancer checkups, allows for the early detection of esophageal cancer, even in asymptomatic stages.

Q4: Who is at high risk for esophageal cancer?

A: Individuals over 50, especially men, and those who consume alcohol or smoke are at higher risk. Genetic mutations and lifestyle factors contribute to the risk.

Q5: What preventive measures can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer?

A: Abstaining from alcohol, especially distilled drinks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and undergoing regular screenings can help prevent esophageal cancer.

Q6: How effective is the gastric camera in esophageal cancer screening?

A: The gastric camera, with advanced endoscopic diagnosis technology like NBI, can detect precancerous lesions before cancer, aiding in early esophageal cancer detection.

Q7: Can abstaining from alcohol prevent esophageal cancer development?

A: Research suggests that abstaining from alcohol, especially in cases of confirmed precancerous lesions, can contribute to a significant improvement in esophageal health.

Q8: How is esophageal cancer treated?

A: Treatment options include endoscopic excision for early cases, anti-cancer drug treatment, surgery for advanced cases, and immunocheckpoint inhibitors for Stage 4, with considerations for the financial aspects of cancer treatment.

Q9: What is "cancer economic toxicity"?

A: Cancer economic toxicity refers to the financial burden associated with cancer treatment, impacting individuals' ability to afford necessary care and leading to treatment-related challenges.

Q10: How can individuals prepare for cancer prevention?

A: Dr. Pugawa suggests staying informed, updating knowledge on cancer, and being aware of potential economic toxicities. Regular checkups and adopting a healthy lifestyle are crucial preventive measures.


Esophageal cancer is a formidable challenge, demanding our attention and proactive measures. As we delve into the insights provided by experts like Dr. Ketaro Hikawa and experiences shared by notable individuals like Yuan Yamazaki, the urgency of understanding and addressing this health concern becomes evident. Early detection through regular screenings, especially during gastric cancer checkups, proves to be a powerful tool in combating esophageal cancer.

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